How to edit publisheable contents?

  1. step: In the “Content” part check the contents which should be released then enter the content editor interface by clicking on the “Edit” button.


  1. step: At the opening window, choose "Form Data" option!


  1. step: Under the “Form data” tab, look for the field “ARTICLEURL”. Copy the url from the field to the adress bar of the browser and check the opening article’s content quality. After checking content quality, the fields “ARTICLETITLE” and “ARTICLETEASER” are important. The recommended maximum length for these fields are 65 and 155, respectively.


  1. step: If you are satisfied with the quality of the content chose the “Details” tab.


  1. step: On the “Details” tab check the fields “Title”, “Browser title”, “H1”, “Description” and “Keyords”. The “Title” field contains a keyword which is converted to link to this article if found in the content of the other sites. “Browser title” contains the title showing up in HTML meta. “H1” contanis the text set as title for the article. The “Keywords” field should contain the keywords aimed with the article. Keywords syncronising automatically from IDASearch. If not, than it is useful to fill the “Keywords” field with relevant keywords. The text put into “Description” will appear under the page’s url on search result lists. It should not exceed 150 characters.

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